Statutory Requirements
In 2017, Ofsted judged Raynville Primary as a good and improving school with an OUTSTANDING early years! In 2023, they came back and stated that “Raynville Academy continues to be a good school.”
I’m delighted that we have had official recognition from Ofsted that Raynville Academy remains a good school.
In their inspection during December 2023 they observed lessons, looked at children’s work, made additional short visits to classrooms and listened to pupils read. They also held meetings with pupils, members of staff, colleagues from the Trust, governors a trustee as well as taking into account comments from parents.
Why Ofsted say that Raynville remains a good school:
- Adults have high expectations of pupils.
- Bullying and acts of unkindness are rare. Adults act promptly to resolve these incidents when they happen.
- Leaders place importance on pupils having opportunities to develop into well-rounded individuals.
- The school’s updated curriculum is ambitious for what pupils should learn.
- Teachers use well-considered, consistent strategies in lessons.
- The needs of pupils with SEND are well understood by teachers. The school has effective systems to identify what additional support pupils with SEND need.
- Children in the early years make a positive start to school.
- The majority of pupils attend school regularly.
- Leaders, including governors and trustees, have an accurate understanding of the school. Those with responsibility for governance receive detailed information about the performance of the school. They, along with colleagues from the multi-academy trust, provide effective support and challenge to school leaders.
What the school needs to do to improve further:
We were extremely pleased that Ofsted agreed with our own self-evaluation, identifying areas that we are already developing this year.
- The proportion of disadvantaged pupils who miss school regularly and are persistently absent is too high. These pupils miss important learning opportunities. The school should ensure that systems identify and address pupils’ barriers to attendance so that these pupils attend school regularly.
- The school’s oversight of some work to improve the quality of education that pupils receive is not as strong as it could be. The school does not use its evaluations of actions to inform further improvements. The school should ensure that systems to check the quality of education that pupils receive are consistently strong.
- In a minority of lessons, some activity choices are not well matched to the aims of the curriculum. They do not support pupils to learn the intended knowledge. The school should ensure that the activities pupils complete are consistently aligned with the aims of the curriculum.
Pupil Premium
Schools receive additional funding for any pupils who have been eligible for free school meals during the last 6 years, pupils who are looked after by the local authority or who are in care and for pupils from families where a parent serves in the armed forces. This money is known as the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG).
At Raynville Academy it is our belief that the key to raising attainment in all children is in helping them to develop their confidence, resilience and ability to make the connections between what they achieve in the classroom and the longer term. This is particularly important for our Pupil Premium pupils.
Areas we spend our Pupil Premium funding on include:
- Offer additional targeted support academically which is above and beyond that being received as part of the class.
- Reduce the impact of external factors that children have that impact on their learning opportunities.
- Provide enhancing life experiences which will inspire and increase attitudes and motivation to learn.
- Create opportunities which will encourage children’s aspiration and determination to achieve great things in life.
Annual Trust Reports and Accounts
PE and Sport at Raynville
Raynville is committed to high quality sports provision. As well as Government Grant monies, we devote additional school funds to this area of the curriculum in order to ensure that our children receive a really good Physical Education and get lots of opportunity.
We are very proud that 100% of our year 6 pupils represented the school in an external sporting event last year.
We take our children swimming twice a week in focussed swimming groups and as a result.
Clubs are run by staff and outside providers. Most of these are run at no cost to parents. Extracurricular sports clubs include:
- Girls Sport
- Boys sport
- Rhinos Dance
- Cheerleading
- Football
- Pro Fit Gym
Sports Teaching
Our PE & Sports Co-ordinator, Mr Keating, holds many coaching qualifications. He shares his enthusiasm and knowledge with staff, ensuring that provision across school is of a high standard. In addition, we have specialist teaching from a member of our HLTA staff. Currently we are training 2 additional members of the support staff team to teach effective, quality PE, as we want to offer the children the best possible experiences whilst they are with us at Raynville. The local High School, Leeds West Academy, works in partnership with us to deliver this training.
As well as two lessons of PE each week, provision of quality resources ensure that break times are exciting and highly active. Since the leasing of the school minibus we have been able to provide intensive, additional swimming lessons for those children in Upper Key Stage 2 who are non-swimmers.
We have 2 sports halls and a large multi-sports area which includes an artificial all-weather grass pitch for ball skills and a 4 lane running track around the outside. A multi skills area completes the large playground, making it a fabulous resource for PE lessons. In addition, we have 2 playgrounds for our Foundation children and a Key Stage 1 playground and field. Our Pupil Playground Committee were responsible for planning then tendering with companies to develop two other outside spaces, in order to further extend the pupils’ choice of activities. As a result of this work we have an extremely popular climbing facility in place now
Links with other schools & Inter-School Competition
The purchase of a school mini-bus has meant that we can now involve our children in as many competitions as possible. We believe this is important not only for the development of sporting skills but to help boost confidence, raise self-esteem and generate the pride that comes with representing your school. We have strong ties with the local professional rugby organisations and compete in their tag rugby events throughout the year.
We have employed the services of a member of the PE staff from Leeds West Academy, our local High School, to work with our children in Year 6 for an afternoon a week. His involvement is a big boost to our transition programme as well as enabling the children to experience alternative sports (eg the climbing wall, gym equipment). This has also supported staff professional development.
Our participation in sports events/competitions off-site in the last academic year have included:
- Football
- Netball
- Triathlon
- Wake up Shake up
- Disability Sports
- Sports Hall Athletics
- Tag Rugby
- Tennis
- Cross Country
- Netball
- Big Dance and the Rugby World Cup
- Table Tennis
- Cricket
- Rounders
- Tri Golf
- The Bramley Olympics
- Rainbow Club
- Cricket in the Classroom
- Girls Sports Club
Government Sports Grant
The introduction of the Sports Grant which began in 2013 and benefits school by approximately £9000 a year, has made a significant contribution to the difference we have been able to make to the facilities and quality of provision that we have been able to offer at Raynville.
Since 2013 overall participation in sport and activity has increased. Our pupils are now taking part in and achieving greater success in many more inter-school competitions and tournaments.
Parents are attending in greater numbers when we have sporting occasions and many are making use of the improved playground facilities with their children, after school has finished at 3.15pm.
Please refer to the separate documents for a detailed breakdown of how we have spent this money.
Inclusive sports photos
Northern Dance Workshop photos
Sport Relief! photos
What an amazing event. Children, parents, friends, relatives and teachers running the course!
Trust Reports and Accounts
We are part of The Great Heights Academy Trust- striving to ‘Reach Great Heights’.
Follow the links below to our academies and MAT designations. Use the link to the regional TSC for TSA and NLE updates.
MAT Information
The Greetland Academy
West Vale Primary School
Teaching School Alliance
The Research School
The English Hub
Trust Annual Reports and Accounts