
In line with government guidance we have created the following procedure for the administration of medicines.

Long Term Prescribed Medicine

If your child has a condition which requires a prescribed medicine to be given in school on a regular basis or in the case of emergency, you will need to contact the school SENCo to arrange a care plan. We ask that you inform school of your child’s condition before their first day so appropriate arrangements can be put in place.

If your child requires an inhaler, for asthma or any other long-term condition, please contact the school office to complete an inhaler care plan. School require an inhaler to be kept on school premises at all times, as with all medicines, this should be clearly labelled and a Parental agreement for school to administer medicine completed. Our named school staff in charge of medicines are Ms Baranyi and Mrs Briscoe.

Temporary Prescribed Medicine

If you child has been unwell and requires a prescribed medicine on a temporary basis to aid recovery, i.e. after being absent from school due to infection or illness, the following procedures apply.

  • Complete a Parental agreement for school to administer medicine. These are available from either office.
  • All medicines must be delivered to the school office by an adult on the first morning required. After this pupils may deliver their own medicine to the office where appropriate.
  • Each medicine must be delivered in the original container.
  • School will create a medical record on which detail will be kept of the date, time and person giving the medication.
  • Medicines will be stored in an inaccessible cupboard or the fridge until required.
  • Medicine should be collected from the office at the end of the school day.

Where possible, it is preferable for medicines to be prescribed in frequencies that allow the pupil to take them outside of school hours. We request that you do not send medicines such as Calpol, Cough Remedies or Eye Drops into school unless prescribed by your Doctor or under extenuating circumstances agreed with school staff.

If you require further clarification of any procedures or have any individual issues you wish to discuss, please contact the school office.

Many thanks for your co-operation.