Physical Education
We are passionate about sport, physical education and healthy lifestyles at Raynville Academy. We have a rich PE curriculum supported by specialist coaches and visits from organisations such as Leeds Rhinos. We enter teams in many local tournaments and competitions. There are a variety of sports clubs that children can attend before and after school as well as our daily mile activity every lunchtime.
From Early Years to Year 6 children are encouraged to have positive attitudes towards physical education. Children in the Early Years take part in a range of physical activities on a daily basis from finger gym to movement time and free flow outdoor provision.
We offer children a residential in Key Stage 2 where children take part in a range of outdoor adventurous activities. Every child participates in at least two hours of PE lessons per week and alongside this we offer lunchtime activities for the children. We also run sports clubs after school and engage in our local offer to attend sporting events and competitions and these include – Panathalon, football, rugby, tennis, multi-sports, handball, tri-golf and many more. We ensure that sporting opportunities are varied in order to increase participation and encourage all children to try new sports.
Children have swimming lessons in KS2. We target children who cannot swim in Year 5 and 6 and they have twice weekly intensive swimming lessons at Bramley Baths (local heritage site), where they learn the essential skills required to become a confident swimmer and to understand water safety. At Raynville Academy we aim to ensure that ALL children have achieved their 25m certificate before they leave us and we currently have a 92% pass rate.
By providing all children with these opportunities and educating them about healthy eating and leading healthy lives we will ensure that we help to nurture confident, resilient and independent children.
For more information on Physical Education see also: PE and Sport at Raynville