Healthy Inside and Out
Teaching social, emotional and mental health skills has the potential to improve
academic outcomes, keeps children safe and improves the mental well-being of pupils and future generations. There is an increasing focus on the roles of schools in meeting the SEMH health needs of their pupils, and this is something of upmost importance to us at Raynville.
The lessons are self-contained lessons, taken from MINDMATE. They join together to form a spiralised social, emotional and mental health curriculum. There are six themes which form the framework for primary learning. In addition, there are specialised modules which allow for a more detailed focus on selected topics and which could be used in addition to the core lessons or for targeted groups of pupils.
The 6 key themes, which are taught in the order that they appear, are:
- Feeling Good and Being Me
- Friends and Family
- Life Changes
- Strong Emotions
- Being the Same and Being Different
- Solving Problems (and making it better)
At the start of each half term, we have ‘Healthy Inside and Out’ day in all Year Groups N-6, where the whole school focus on one of the above key themes. The main learning points are then discussed, reflected on and consolidated for the rest of the half term. This teaching directly complements our PSHCE lessons.

A great morning talking about our feelings and emotions. We used a thesaurus to broaden our vocabulary and created a ‘feelings’ jar for the Christmas holidays. Well done 4R

Year 1 learning about the importance of ‘filling your bucket’, without taking from someone else’s.

In Reception the children talked about being angry and how to calm down. Look at their angry faces!