Our Governors
Raynville Local Governing Body
The governing body is made up of different types of governors. Parents, staff representatives and community governors.
What do our governors do?
Together with our Principal, they are responsible for making sure our school provides a good quality education. The governors make decisions which are in the best interests of the children at school, bringing their own skills and experience to support the effective running of Raynville. They work closely with the Principal and the rest of the staff, although much of this goes on in meetings and isn’t necessarily seen by the rest of the school community. At Raynville we are particularly fortunate that a number of our governors are able to spend time regularly helping in school with the children’s learning and talking with parents. Others use their skills in different ways – for example helping to write policies concerned with the school buildings or Health and Safety.
What skills do governors need?
No formal qualifications are necessary but Raynville is keen to attract people in the community who can bring energy, experience, commitment and fresh ideas.
How much of your time is needed?
Our Governing Body meets once a half term (six times a year) in the early evening. In addition, governors need to attend events and appropriate training. Governors are encouraged to visit our school during the day to see us in action, and to get to know the staff and pupils. Governors usually serve for four years.
What support will you receive?
The governors go on training courses to increase their knowledge of how schools are run and the headteacher makes sure that they are kept up to date with the information they need to see how well the children are learning. Support, training and guidance are available. If you would like to find out more about being a governor, please contact the school office for an informal chat.
Raynville Academy Local Governing Body Members:
Neil Carrington (Vice-Chair) – Parent Governor
Paige Taylor – Parent Governor
Steve Evans (Chair) – Community Governor
Vacancy – Community Governor
Louise Harrison – Staff Governor
Andrew Midgley (Principal) – Staff Governor
Karen Edwards – Clerk to the Local Governing Body